A few weekends ago, I was privileged to spend time in the company of a conservative, sorry, I meant to type
conservator, and here are a couple of paltry images which do not do justice to his magnificent work of restoration art,
Bear Fort Lodge, in the hills of north-eastern New Jersey (so much towards New York State that the landscape resembles the Catskills)...

The Lodge was once a speak-easy, and more recently, before my friend took on to restore it to its quirky glory, it was a kind of tax haven... which will make any New Jersey property owner go "
huh?" given that the Garden State's property taxes are amongst the highest in the U.S. When I say tax haven, what I mean is, the
former owners came here to rest after a hard day's strong-arming on behalf of the I.R.S...

Taxes, taxes, death and taxes: yes, my friend has some conservative opinions and ideals, and yes, we argued almost as much as we conversed, but always with civility, a testament to my friend's welcoming and gracious home. But! There! Are! Bears! In the Woods! That's me above, exhibiting the eternal vigilance that is the price of not having a bear chomping at one's ass...
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