Ex-American Idolator Says Show Is Rigged
"It's a fixed thing if I ever saw one," said Ju'Not Joyner (a season 8 American Idol semi-finalist) during an online chat, much to the shock of many naive chatters, who responded with capslocked interjections and frowny-faced emoticons.
After the above frivolous razzle-dazzle Capitalist American tinsel news for the stupidest, I think it's time for some serious reporting. This just in:
But here in America, crazy nonsense roams the land. Why do Americans get it into their heads that universal health care means only one thing: that sinister and anonymous "doktors" in white coats with black jackboots and beeping droids, will march into everyone's houses and at gunpoint force everyone to be injected with a mysterious green liquid from a tanker marked "Obamacaine"?
The current system allows rampant GREED to dictate everything about your health and sickness. Screwing money out of the fact that people fall ill seems repugnant and immoral to me.
And so for the latest "rumor" -- Media Matters for America reports:

Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, a maritime country, has set July and August as months for water sports activities. In these months maritime physical culture and sports activities are being conducted in an intensive way.Watersports months! Cackle!
But here in America, crazy nonsense roams the land. Why do Americans get it into their heads that universal health care means only one thing: that sinister and anonymous "doktors" in white coats with black jackboots and beeping droids, will march into everyone's houses and at gunpoint force everyone to be injected with a mysterious green liquid from a tanker marked "Obamacaine"?
The current system allows rampant GREED to dictate everything about your health and sickness. Screwing money out of the fact that people fall ill seems repugnant and immoral to me.
And so for the latest "rumor" -- Media Matters for America reports:
A Washington Post article about President Obama's AARP forum on health care promoted the falsehood that a provision in the House Democrats' health care reform bill makes end-of-life counseling for seniors mandatory -- it does not.
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