Doesn't know where Spain is, or who its Prime Minister is...

Or does he? Now, it's easy to trip someone up during the hectic atmosphere of a Presidential campaign; you can't expect these guys to remember every name of every world leader, but even so... Surely Senator McCain should know where Spain is?
From Talkingpointsmemo:
'In case, you haven't seen our updates from last night, yesterday John McCain was interviewed on the Florida affiliate of Spanish radio network Union Radio. And in the interview McCain appeared not to know who the Prime Minister of Spain was and assumed he was some anti-American leftist leader from South America.
After the interviewer presses him a couple times on the point and tries to focus him on the fact that Prime Minister Zapatero isn't from Mexico and isn't a drug lord either McCain comes back at her saying, "All I can tell you is that I have a clear record of working with leaders in the Hemisphere that are friends with us and standing up to those who are not. And that's judged on the basis of the importance of our relationship with Latin America and the entire region."'
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