I Wouldn't Want to Be Associated With Him
1:13 PM EDT, July 17, 2009 COLCHESTER, N.Y. - An upstate New York man has admitted he stuffed his 98-year-old dead mother in a freezer so he could keep cashing her Social Security checks.
Couldn't he have just buried her under cover of darkness?
What were they thinking (they weren't)?
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - In an embarrassing acknowledgment, the space agency said Thursday that it must have erased the Apollo 11 moon footage years ago so that it could reuse the videotape.
So, that's the news. Oh, wait — from the newspaper of newspapers, the Old Testament of Journalism itself, let us re-run that headline from so very many years ago, a headline on a humble story that could be said to have inspired me to aim for a career in reporting... From the Tyrone Courier, circa 1984:
Horse Has Went Missing
If you had somehow failed to grasp the poetry of the headline, it came again, in the staccato beat of an artful lede sentence:
A horse has went missing near the Blackwatertown Road...
Anyway, I usually put an image at or near the top of a new posting, but this I have saved for the last. I can think of at least one person who will find this a stirring sight!

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