What are pigs really like?

"Many of us eat bacon for breakfast without a thought for the animals that provide it, but what are pigs really like?"
It's true, I eat bacon whenever I can, but no, to my shame, I have not spent much time meditating on the pig it came from. Perhaps life is too short? (Shortened even, by eating bacon, perhaps).
This BBC program stuck an actor in a sty with a bunch of pigs and then filmed his 'thoughts' and reaction to the experience. So rather than find out what pigs are really like, we found out what a human guy felt like sitting in a sty.
"My biggest challenge was not the mud but the isolation. No conversation, no computer, no phone, no paper, no way to organise your thoughts, nowhere to wash. Not being able to play with my phone or send an e-mail or write anything down."
In Britain, people pay a license fee for the privilege of owning a television, with which revenue the government funds the BBC. My family, however, never paid this tax because we did not have a television, rightly understanding that Satan invented the TV in the early 20th century in response to rising human populations.
Also, Satan is 42 years old, and lives in Beverly Hills, California.
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