Out like a light

He projected a aura of hilarity, probably to his misfortune. Shortly after meeting me he was telling in graphic detail his recent embarrassing "medical procedure," and then, the second time I met him, he told me all over again, but with more detail. He stretched the 'e' in procedure way out. "Proceeeeeedure."
Since then I have learned more of him: he was married and had four grown-up children. He was finally considering filing suit against the Catholic Church for the sexual abuse he experienced as a boy. He came from a wealthy family in South Carolina. He was packed and ready to leave for S.C. on Thursday evening, the day he died, to attend his brother's second wedding, which has now been cancelled.
In other news, I bring attention to the above graphic. It's less than two months until the election. I have been convinced for many months that a win by the Democratic candidate will usher this country into unprecedented change for the better. His mere presence in the White House, without even lifting a hand, is significant. Whether you agree with me or not, we are privileged to witness these times, this era. It means the unleashing of potentials. If he wins...
"Anything can happen, the tallest towers
Be overturned, those in high places daunted,
Those overlooked regarded."
If the Republican candidate wins, then enjoy the America you deserve.
I am slightly sad that the man I mentioned above, did not live to absent-mindedly notice events happening as he might have done had he lived, standing as I remember him, on Tenth Avenue, fretting over that embarrasing "medical proceeeeedure."
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