Where Man and Dinosaurs Frolick Happily Together

Yet, there is something askew about the exhibits here and it doesn’t take long to see. It’s not just the “Thou shalt not touch” signs or the biblically named Noah’s Café, offering respite for lunch. How about a stroll down the Trail of Life, first stop, the Garden of Eden with faux cypress trees and gurgling streams? Look, there are Adam and Eve taking a dip, and not far away another dinosaur lurks, and a lion too.
It’s not just the presence of the naked pair, with niftily placed lily pads to cover their naughty bits, that seems barmy. Wouldn’t they have been gobbled up by now, before they had the chance to do any eating themselves, say of the forbidden fruit? What were the designers of this place thinking?
Here is what. That Adam and Eve really did beget us and that before they sinned, all creatures were vegetarian, meaning dinosaurs were no more likely to eat them than butterflies. They were thinking also that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time. As you proceed on your walk, a few more surprises await. We are told how the world is no more than 6,000 years old and Noah’s Flood created all the world’s fossils as well as its topography as we know it (including the Grand Canyon, gouged by its ebbing waters). And yes, the Earth and the entire universe were indeed created in six momentous days... [Read on if you can be bothered].
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