Sunday, November 09, 2008

Obama suggests Nancy Reagan unhinged

At his first full-length press conference yesterday, a tired-looking President-Elect Obama dealt with a range of urgent issues and took questions from the press. [Note: Obama has already launched to keep everyone up-to-date with his whirlwind of activities].

He also talked briefly about what kind of dog his two daughters might want when they move to Washington, D.C. And when asked if he had been in touch with past Presidents, he said yes, all of them -- then he clarified himself by saying "the living Presidents," and then joked that he: "didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any séances."

Which was kind of amusing. But later he issued an apology saying he meant former First Lady Nancy Reagan no disrespect.

[Above, an election night shot of Barack and Michelle, from the Flickr pool].